Monday, March 3, 2008

Not Computer Savvy

Well, I would have had a lot more added to this blog if I knew what I was doing. I am not sure that I even know the purpose of having one. So busy between writing and crafting, there is little time left to learn about all this computer stuff. Earlier, I hit a wrong button and ended up with a picture that took me an hour to delete. For all you computer nerds out glad you're not me. What I want to do is use this site to drawn attention to my craft work on Etsy. I would also like others on Etsy to feel free to post a picture of one of their crafts and a link to etsy. Just have to figure out how to do all this blog-stiff! Leaving now, getting frustrated, going back to crafting and writing my novel. Bye for now.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Writing and Crafting

Hi there, I'm new to blogging and I'm looking forward to the experience. I love to write, and I'm in the midst of writing my third novel. Nothing published yet, but I am keeping my hopes high. One of my biggest problems is not being tenacious in my attempts to find an agent or a publisher. I send out a few queries, and when I don't get an invitation to send my work along, I just go back to writing. If anyone out there in the blogger world knows of a site that might be helpful to me regarding my writing endeavors, I'd be receptive to any advice given.
When I'm not writing, I'm crafting. Last spring I joined a wonderful site that has thousands on wonderful crafter's: My shop name is: lynnesthisandthat. Everyone is helpful to newbies. Now that I know a bit more than when I started, I try to go into the forums for a period of time every day to assist those who have one problem or another...paying it forward! Now...back to my latest novel.